Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dems Introduce WORK Act: All Mothers Deserve 'Dignity'

House Democrats are planning to introduce legislation later this week in an apparent response to the ballyhoo surrounding Hilary Rosen's comments last week alluding to Ann Romney's never working a day in her life. The WORK (Women's Option to Raise Kids) Act will allow mothers with children 3 and under to stay at home and continue to receive benefits under the federal TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) program that was part of the 1996 welfare reform passed by Pres. Bill Clinton. Under current law, raising children is exempt toward the required "work activity" that must be performed by the recipient - some states do allow exceptions for children under 1 year old.

According to Pete Stark, sponsor of the bill and a top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, "Mitt Romney was for forcing mothers into the workforce before he decided that 'all moms are working moms.'" Stark's comments reference Romney's flip-flop on the dignity of working mothers from his stance in 1994 during a Senate bid to about 3 months ago to now. Stark continued, "I think we should take Mr. Romney at his most recent word and change our federal laws to recognize the importance and legitimacy of raising young children. That's why I'm introducing the WORK Act to provide low-income parents the option of staying home to raise young children without fear of being pushed into poverty."

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