Earlier today, Vice President Joe Biden gave a speech at New York University, where he set out to distinguish President Obama’s foreign policy from his presumptive republican contender’s, Mitt Romney. Biden views Romney’s proposed foreign policy as dangerous, “totally out of touch,” and has the potential to lead us into yet another mired military operation.
According to excerpts from Biden’s speech at NYU, the Vice President says Romney would once again “isolate America instead of enemies” and “waste hundreds of billions of dollars and risk thousands of American lives on an unnecessary war.” Biden is of course referring to the dismal reputation of America many of our foreign allies held throughout the Bush Administration, and how people and other nations still perceive us from around the world.
The Romney campaign has attempted to define Obama’s foreign policy as naïve and potentially alienating our allies, supposedly in reference to the President’s handling of Iran’s nuclear program – imposed sanctions (which have thus far worked) – and the dangers a nuclear-Iran poses to Israel. Romney, during several presidential debates ardently pushed for military action against Iran to impede their nuclear program, though his rhetoric flies in the face of some of our country’s highest ranking Defense Department officials who note there is no substantive evidence Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon.
Romney and Republicans in general would like everyone to conveniently forget the past decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which have been a major contributor to our national debt. They also hope the public doesn’t remember the fact that President Obama was Commander-in-Chief when Osama bin Laden was killed, and gave the order for the mission. “If you’re looking for a bumper sticker to sum up how President Obama has handled what he inherited,” quipped Biden, “it’s pretty simple: Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.”
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