Monday, March 26, 2012

Krugman: "Lobbyists, Guns, and Money"

Paul Krugman's New York Times Op-Ed this morning glanced at the Trayvon Martin case, calling into question the 'Stand Your Ground' law in Florida and the political organization(s) that conspired to get the law, or ones similar to it, enacted, not only in Florida, but in numerous other states across the country. Specifically, he looks at ALEC and questions the lobbying efforts behind the bills, which, in essence, are written by the organization and introduced in state legislatures almost verbatim. So, who exactly is in office here? Elected officials? It doesn't quite seem that way.

"What this tells us, in turn, is that ALEC’s claim to stand for limited government and free markets is deeply misleading. To a large extent the organization seeks not limited government but privatized government, in which corporations get their profits from taxpayer dollars, dollars steered their way by friendly politicians. In short, ALEC isn’t so much about promoting free markets as it is about expanding crony capitalism..." continue reading here.

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