Monday, November 14, 2011

Sources of Crime

Occupy Oakland was closed down last night after the city issued eviction notices to the occupiers because a murder was committed nearby late last week. The police, and Mayor Quan, purport that the murder took place on or near Occupy Oakland's encampment. The ambiguity of this statement strikes me oddly, that they refuse to give an exact location to the public. Secondly, they contend the murder was a result of the occupiers, and that the encampment as a whole has become a source of crime in the city. Yet this statement too should be scrutinized. It is clear from eye-witness reports that the murder was in no way associated with the camp, and took place where groups of kids hang out after school. Maybe I'll post more videos from there, but the violence that I have seen in Oakland looked pretty similar to the violence that is seen from all over the country at Occupy camps: it's a violence induced by the men and women in uniform against the protestors exercising their 1st Amendment Rights.

Numerous incidences have been captured on film showing police brutality on men and women (pepper spraying, beatings with a baton or club). These egregious acts are in response to no threat of violence from the protestors, but from, what, annoyed policemen, bored policemen? The protestors are protesting the class warfare by the richest 1% of people in this country against the remainder of the population. They are protesting the Right-wing demonization of public workers, who happen to include the very men and women in uniform trying to close down the Occupy movements, and the reported "high life" public employees supposedly live. While the police work to close down the encampments, the 1% work to close down the policemen's pensions, their rights to bargain for better wages and safer working conditions, their health care. The police are working for the very people who do not want to pay for their protection, but want protection from people attempting to point out their crimes. Occupy Wall Street seeks justice and accountability to the widespread abuse, corruption, thievery, and subsequent scott-freedom they received due to lack of prosecution on behalf of the courts and government. And it is a government wholly paid for by the 1%, corrupt to its very core, to the highest office in this country. Why doesn't the government, or the courts (barring NY and California's Attorneys General from this generalization) want to shut down the sources of crime evident on Wall Street and the large financial institutions in this country? Who will start to hold these people accountable for the countless White-Collar Crimes that they have committed on behalf of capitalism and the free-market system? When will justice come?

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